Search results for "ᵑgʷɨts ʸ"

ᵑgʷɨts ʸ n. hair cheveux (5 groups, 17 languages) C syn: sɨᵐbɨti ʸ.
This is one of the few roots that contain *ᵑgʷ. The root is only attested in five groups, but these cover a wide area, possibly indicating a good time depth. The *ts has the irregular reflexes *s in Proto-Tera and *dz in Proto-Mandara.

1Proto-Mafa *ᵑgʷatsɨ hair cheveux 1.1) Mafa (Barreteau) gʷátsə géɗ cheveux 1.2) Cuvok (Gravina) ŋgʷetʃ ta jaŋ hair (of head) cheveux (de tête)

2Proto-Tera *ɣʷasi hair cheveux 2.1) Tera (Newman) ɣos hair (of head); hair (of body); feather 2.2) Nyimatli (Harley) ɣosi djin hair (of head) 2.3) Gaʼanda (Gwaji) weeʃa hair

3Proto-Mandara *gʷɨdzɨ ʸ hair cheveux 3.1) Matal (Branger) aŋidz, aŋidʒ hair cheveux 3.2) Podoko (Swackhammer) ᵑgutsa,-ə cheveux 3.3) Malgwa (Löhr) ugdʒe hair 3.4) Glavda (Nghagyiva) gùd͡ʒa hair (of head) 3.5) Dghwede (Frick) guⁿdza hair

4Proto-Mofu *aᵑgʷɨts ʸ hair cheveux 4.1) Muyang (Smith) eŋɡʉtʃ hair on body, fur, feathers 4.2) Gemzek (Sabatai) aᵑgʉz hair poil 4.3) Merey (Gravina) məkʷes cheveux 4.4) Dugwor (Jubumna) aŋgʷetʃ hair (of head) cheveux (de tête) 4.5) Mofu-Gudur (Hollingsworth) éŋgʷetʃ poils, cheveux, chevelure, crinière

5Proto-Maroua *ᵑgʷɨtsɨ ʸ hair cheveux 5.1) Giziga Moutourwa (Michielan) ngʷitʃi poil, cheveux 5.2) Mbazla (SILSurvey) ᵑgùzóʼ hair (on head) cheveux (chevelure)
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